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Discounted subscriptions to “History of Political Economy” for AISPE members

AISPE is pleased to announce that Duke University Press offers its members discounted subscriptions to History of Political Economy at a rate of $70 for regular...


PRIN “The Economic Thought of Italian Women (1750-1999)”: Funded

The PRIN The Economic Thought of Italian Women (1750-1999): Methodological Issues, Ideas, Impact, International Connections, a Census and an Online Database has...

Women between economic facts and ideas in Italy (1750-1950)

Women between economic facts and ideas in Italy (1750-1950)

AISPE supports and promotes research on Italian women who, throughout history, influenced and engaged in debates on various economic issues, not only in academia...


Call for curricular internships within the framework of the PRIN “LexEcon. The international research network on the economic lexicon”

The Department of Economics and Management of the University of Pisa, in partnership with the Interuniversity Centre for Documentation on Italian Economic Thought...


“Rethinking Economics”. Cycle of HET video lessons for high schools

AISPE invites scholars to participate in the initiative with self-produced video lessons on the themes of the History of Economic Thought, by choosing (or adding)...


To become a member of AISPE, fill out this form and submit it to:

Prof. Giandomenica Becchio
Università di Torino

e-mail: aispesegreteria@gmail.com

Annual membership is 50 euro and 30 euro for grad students.

Membership for three years is 120 euro.

Payment should be made via your banker, to AISPE, Credit Agricole

IBAN: IT82S0623014000000043415302



Subscription Form AISPE

Next events »

Colloquia doctoralia: Virginia Fournari presents “Austrian School and French Economic Thought: G. Pirou’s seminars (1928-1940)”

Colloquia doctoralia: Virginia Fournari presents “Austrian School and French Economic Thought: G. Pirou’s seminars (1928-1940)”

Virginia Fournari presents the paper Austrian School and French Economic Thought: G. Pirou’s seminars (1928-1940). The webinar will be held on November 21, 2024,...


Special issues HETP and PEI. Call for papers presented at the Rome Conference.
Deadline: March 31, 2025

The journals History of Economic Thought and Policy (HETP) and Pensiero Economico Italiano (PEI) will be glad to publish a special issue based on papers presented...


“Exploring the Dark Side of the Moon The History of Economics in the Global South”. Second webinar: November 14, 2024 2 pm CET, 9 am GMT

With the support of the Institute of New Economic Thinking’s Young Scholars Initiative and Globalisation and Economy in a long-term perspective, a series of webinars...