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Discounted subscriptions to “History of Political Economy” for AISPE members

AISPE is pleased to announce that Duke University Press offers its members discounted subscriptions to History of Political Economy at a rate of $70 for regular...


Call for AISPE Research Grant co-sponsored by Banca d’Italia.
Deadline: September 15, 2024

AISPE invites applications for early career scholars research initiatives. Applications are open to AISPE members only. Early career scholars are intended as PhD...


Presentations of new volumes by AISPE members

AISPE is pleased to announce the third series of the presentation of new member volumes. The calendar is avalaible here Presentation Baranzini-Besomi Presentation...


PRIN “The Economic Thought of Italian Women (1750-1999)”: Funded

The PRIN The Economic Thought of Italian Women (1750-1999): Methodological Issues, Ideas, Impact, International Connections, a Census and an Online Database has...


Call for curricular internships within the framework of the PRIN “LexEcon. The international research network on the economic lexicon”

The Department of Economics and Management of the University of Pisa, in partnership with the Interuniversity Centre for Documentation on Italian Economic Thought...

Women between economic facts and ideas in Italy (1750-1950)

Women between economic facts and ideas in Italy (1750-1950)

AISPE supports and promotes research on Italian women who, throughout history, influenced and engaged in debates on various economic issues, not only in academia...


“Rethinking Economics”. Cycle of HET video lessons for high schools

AISPE invites scholars to participate in the initiative with self-produced video lessons on the themes of the History of Economic Thought, by choosing (or adding)...


Call 2024: Towards a Global History of Economic Thought

In the first annual webinar series on the Global History of Economic Thought, we sought to explore Europe as a whole, rather than as the sum of 27 or more nation-states,...


Women between economic facts and ideas in Italy (1750-1950), final workshop
Online, November 20, 2023 Programme

II Conference AISPE-SISE
Palermo, 19-21 October 2023: Programme

Women between economic facts and ideas in Italy (1750-1950)

Lecce, April 28-29, 2023 Programme

Women between economic facts and ideas in Italy (1750-1790)

Online, 19-20 settembre 2022 Programma Women between economic facts and ideas in Italy (1750-1950)


Online, 4-6 novembre 2021 PROGRAMMA-AISPE-SISE-2021


Università degli Studi di Bologna, 11-13 aprile 2019 Program-XVI-AISPE-Conference


Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma; Università di Roma Tre, 23-25 Novembre 2017 Verso una storia comparata del pensiero economico XV-AISPE-PROGRAM


Università del Salento (Lecce), 28-30 Aprile 2016 Il potere nella storia del pensiero economico XIV_AISPE_Programme


Università degli Studi di Pisa, 11-13 Dicembre 2014 Gli economisti e la guerra XIII_AISPE_Programme

Conference Toniolo

Università degli Studi di Pisa, 29-30 Novembre 2014 Programma_Convegno_Toniolo


Firenze 21-23 febbraio 2013 I fatti e il pensiero nella storia dell’economia XII AISPE Programme


S. Giuliano Terme (PI) 1-3 dicembre 2011 Gli economisti e la formazione dello Stato nazionale (1850-1900)

Luigi Einaudi, gli economisti torinesi e la stampa quotidiana tra età liberale e primo fascismo

Torino, 21-22 novembre 2008


Treviso 27-29 maggio 2008 Umanesimo e religione nella storia del pensiero economico 


Padova 15-17 giugno 2006 The Theory and Practice of Economic Policy: Tradition and Change

L’economia divulgata: manuali e trattati di scienze economiche nell’Italia liberale (1848-1922)

Pisa-Borgo a Mozzano (LU), 29 settembre-2 ottobre 2005


Palermo, 30 Settembre – 2 Ottobre 2004 Gli economisti e le istituzioni. Contributi dalla storia del pensiero economico / Economics and Institutions. Contributions from the History of Economics

The Monetary Theory of Production: Tradition and Perspectives. Conference in honour of Augusto Graziani

Benevento, 5-6 dicembre 2003

The Theory of Public Finance in Italy from the Origins to the 1940s

Pisa, 9 maggio 2003


Brescia, 23-25 gennaio 2003  L’impresa che cambia. Contributi dalla storia del pensiero economico / The Changing Firm. Contributions from the history of Economic Thought

 Giornata di studi in onore di Aurelio Macchioro

Padova, 15 novembre 2002

Incontro sulla Storia dell’Economia Politica e del Pensiero Economico

Siena, 19-20 Luglio 2002

Testi e contesti per le scienze sociali. Spazi didattici, testi e strumenti multimediali nei nuovi ordinamenti

Brescia, 14 giugno 2002

Incontri di studio in memoria di Massimo Finoia

Roma, 31 maggio – 1 giugno 2002

Gli economisti in Parlamento nell’Italia liberale. Tra scienza, politica e opinione pubblica

San Miniato (Pisa), 15-17 ottobre 2001


Lecce, 24-26 maggio 2001 Lo sviluppo non sostenibile: il sottosviluppo mondiale nella storia del pensiero economico 

L’Associazionismo economico nell’Italia dell’Ottocento. Dalle Società economico-agrarie alle Associazioni di economisti

Pisa 16-18 ottobre 1999


Firenze-Pratolino, 23-25 settembre 1999

Science, Institutions and Economic Development: the Contribution of ‘German’ Economists and the Reception in Italy (1860 -1930)

Macerata, 29-31 October 1998

Piero Sraffa, 1898-1998

Fondazione Luigi Einaudi – Dip. Economia S. Cognetti de Martiis dell’Università di Torino – Torino, 15-17 Ottobre 1998


Napoli, 27-29 novembre 1997

Economia, sociologia, politica, nell’opera di Vilfredo Pareto (1897-1997) Un dibattito aperto a 100 anni dalla pubblicazione del Cours d’économie politique

Torino, 27 novembre 1997


Pisa, 16-18 maggio 1996


Modena, 8-10 dicembre 1994


Venezia, 16-18 dicembre 1993

Next events »

XVII AISPE Conference. “Regional Economic Integration and Multilateralism in Historical Perspective” (University of Roma Tre)

The Italian Association for the History of Economic Thought organises the 17th AISPE Conference. The Conference, on the theme Regional Economic Integration and...


AISPE presents the session “Primato della teoria e rapporto con la storia in Maffeo Pantaleoni, economista e scienziato sociale” to the 65° Annual Scientific Meeting of the “Società Italiana di Economia”. University “Carlo Bo” of Urbino. October 24-26, 2024

The 65° Annual Scientific Meeting of the “Società Italiana di Economia” will be held on October 24-26, 2024 at the University “Carlo Bo”...


Announcement AISPE Awards 2024 at the next AISPE Conference (October 3-5, 2024)

AISPE is inviting nominations for the Awards that will be announced at the next AISPE Conference, to be held on October 3-5 2024, in Rome during our General Assembly. The...


AISPE financial support for summer schools’ participants.
Deadline: July 31, 2024

AISPE provides up to 500 euros as travel/accommodation reimbursement to two accepted young scholars to a Summer Schools in the History of Economic Thought scheduled...